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標題: Horse Head and Flame Nebula [打印本頁]

作者: passerby-b    時間: 2024-12-2 13:29     標題: Horse Head and Flame Nebula

Horse Head and Flame Nebula
through thick smug and heavily light polluted site
120 sec. exp. x 16 (from about 2238 to 2310 hours on 30 Nov 2024)
ZWO FF65 scope 65mm dia. 415mm FL
ZWO ASI2600MC Duo cooled camera at 0 degree C and Bin2
ZWO 2" Duo-Band filter
ZWO AM3 mount
no guiding
Dark, Bias and Flat fields
At the roof top of Block 2, Huang Yu Yuan, FuTian, Shen Zhen
post processed by ASI Studio, De-Noise AI and PS

圖片附件: Horse head.jpg (2024-12-2 13:29, 1.87 MB) / 下載次數 7

作者: apo    時間: 2024-12-17 17:37

回復 1# passerby-b

作者: hooooon    時間: 2025-1-6 01:25

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