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標題: 團購 astrotrac (較剪腳) [打印本頁]

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 11:29     標題: 團購 astrotrac (較剪腳)

Price: 大約 HKD $4705 左右
連較剪 + 極軸鏡 + 運費

呢個價係因為已經有四台, 所以九折左, 如果夠八台就有八五折... 現價係以四台計,
而且係用英磅 1 對 12, 所以最後個數會有出入, 貨到時再補返差額

今晚會落單... 有興趣請直接 call 我, 92828664
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 11:30

Order List:

1. Gem * 2
2. Oldfield
3. Fat Pang
4. Mr. Kong


[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 11:32 編輯 ]
作者: mike_leung    時間: 2010-7-28 12:25

作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-28 13:03

順手訂淨要支極族鏡,可以嗎? :u_15
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 13:51

原帖由 anyone 於 2010-7-28 13:03 發表
順手訂淨要支極族鏡,可以嗎? :u_15

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 13:52

原帖由 mike_leung 於 2010-7-28 12:25 發表

kst 個 friend 未 confirm
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 13:55

Order List:

1. Gem * 2
2. Oldfield
3. Fat Pang
4. Mr. Kong
5. B 哥

Six confirmed, one pending... 到底最後夠唔夠八台呢? 如果 kst 個 friend 去馬, 再搵多一個就夠八台... 身痕中既朋友請行動

再加一支淨極軸鏡 (anyone)

[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 14:17 編輯 ]
作者: kst    時間: 2010-7-28 14:25

我個 friend就係 Mr. Kong winwin
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 14:27

原帖由 kst 於 2010-7-28 14:25 發表
我個 friend就係 Mr. Kong winwin

原來如此, 咁就仲差兩 set 先有得再折咯...
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-28 14:39

買啦~買啦~!!u_23 u_23 就夠數喇~:drink_38
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-28 14:40

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 13:51 發表


thanks a lot ! :icon_biggrin
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 14:45

開始複雜, 借個位黎記錄先:

AstroTrac TT320X-AG * 6
AstroTrac Polar Scope * 7
Wedge * 1
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-28 15:09

Dear Mr .tang , 辛苦你了! :u_15
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:16

最新有一位朋友仔加入, 不過大前題係要夠八個先至上馬....

咁即係如果多一個人 confirm, 呢位仁兄就會加入, 我地就可以八五折喇!

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:32

唉... 費事煩喇, 我食埋第八台, 相信實有人要! 我 absorb 埋匯水, 最後依家位位 $4600, 先前過左 $47xx 既, 唔使再加錢仲有得回水添... 大家認為如何?

如果 okay 我就即落單, 等去內蒙既朋友仔早 D 有得用
作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-7-28 15:35

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:37

原帖由 Dennis 於 2010-7-28 15:35 發表

應該得, 不過好難保證, 因為佢地寄 DHL, 我估下星期初應該有...
作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-7-28 15:40

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:40

好喇, 一天都光晒, 現在宣佈已經成團!

Order List:

1. Gem * 2
2. Oldfield
3. Fat Pang
4. Mr. Kong (with TW3100 wedge)
5. B 哥
6. Dennis
7. simonii

共八台, 位位 $4600 唔該, 有多或者唔夠既, 交收時 settle!


Hang Seng Bank

Call me if you have any problem: 9282-8664
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-28 15:44

Dear Mr.So , 唔好漏幫我訂支極軸鏡,唔該曬!

[ 本帖最後由 anyone 於 2010-7-28 15:47 編輯 ]
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:45

原帖由 anyone 於 2010-7-28 15:44 發表
Dear Mr. tang , 唔好漏幫我訂支極軸鏡,唔該曬!

你同緊我講? 我係 Oldfield 姓蘇 :-)

你支極望我唔會漏既, 放心
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-28 15:47

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 15:45 發表

你同緊我講? 我係 Oldfield 姓蘇 :-)

你支極望我唔會漏既, 放心

sorry , 打錯左! :g2
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 15:51

原帖由 anyone 於 2010-7-28 15:47 發表

sorry , 打錯左! :g2

是但喇, 之前果 log 好似係姓鄧既搞架嘛
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 16:27

帶較剪去內蒙記住帶埋說明書, 免得海關懷疑你地帶武器上機!
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 16:54

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 16:27 發表
帶較剪去內蒙記住帶埋說明書, 免得海關懷疑你地帶武器上機!

作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-28 17:03     標題: 回覆 19# 的帖子

Yeah~!u_24 有得平~~
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 17:08

原帖由 Gem 於 2010-7-28 17:03 發表
Yeah~!u_24 有得平~~

作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 17:39

4 & 5 是否同一人?? 買埋 wedge 咁勁!!
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 17:42

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 17:39 發表
4 & 5 是否同一人?? 買埋 wedge 咁勁!!

no, different... 雖然好似佢地中文名都差唔多
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 17:43

話時話, 你地幾時出發去內蒙?
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 17:47

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 17:43 發表
話時話, 你地幾時出發去內蒙?

聽講, 好似係下星期六.
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-28 19:32     標題: 回覆 27# 的帖子

作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-28 19:36

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 17:47 發表

聽講, 好似係下星期六.

:pig7 好緊張,唔知運到未?!
作者: newcanon    時間: 2010-7-28 19:54

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 17:47 發表

聽講, 好似係下星期六.

作者: AlexWong    時間: 2010-7-28 20:14

Hi Oldfield Hing
I am the one just called u
if feasible, pls count me in
thx so much:)
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 20:52

原帖由 Gem 於 2010-7-28 19:36 發表

:pig7 好緊張,唔知運到未?!

they promise to ship tomorrow, so I guess it's okay.
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 20:52

原帖由 AlexWong 於 2010-7-28 20:14 發表
Hi Oldfield Hing
I am the one just called u
if feasible, pls count me in
thx so much:)

pls transfer money, 認錢唔認人... :hs3

Confirmed... this is the last order of this batch :hs4

[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 20:57 編輯 ]
作者: Traveler    時間: 2010-7-28 21:07

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 17:39 發表
4 & 5 是否同一人?? 買埋 wedge 咁勁!!

為什麼懷疑 4 & 5 是同一人呢?
4 係我嚟
作者: passerby-b    時間: 2010-7-28 21:26

原帖由 Traveler 於 2010-7-28 21:07 發表

為什麼懷疑 4 & 5 是同一人呢?
4 係我嚟


作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 21:39

作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 21:50

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 21:39 發表

冇人認頭?? ...唔通係我唔覺意入左數.....
作者: kst    時間: 2010-7-28 21:56

原帖由 passerby-b 於 2010-7-28 21:26 發表


再望大王恕罪 ...

叫 MR。 KONG   應該叫 Professor Kong 呀!:g11
作者: cosmos    時間: 2010-7-28 21:57

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 21:50 發表

冇人認頭?? ...唔通係我唔覺意入左數.....

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 22:00

原帖由 cosmos 於 2010-7-28 21:57 發表


咁就唔止係客官, 係善長人翁 :g15
作者: cosmos    時間: 2010-7-28 22:00

原帖由 kst 於 2010-7-28 21:56 發表

叫 MR。 KONG   應該叫 Professor Kong 呀!:g11

原來已經唔係Dr. KONG啦,失敬! 失敬!
作者: Traveler    時間: 2010-7-28 22:24

原帖由 cosmos 於 2010-7-28 22:00 發表

原來已經唔係Dr. KONG啦,失敬! 失敬!

我怕叫Dr. Kong 人哋以為我賣鞋
所以改改個 title
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 22:34

剛剛俾左錢, 佢地答應明天就寄出, 有咩新消息再 update 大家!

未俾錢既唔該快手, 小弟查實真係勁窮, 千祈唔好拖我數 :g6
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-28 22:37

u_24 u_23 u_24 u_23 好野~ 可以起內蒙玩較剪~~
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 22:39

原帖由 Gem 於 2010-7-28 22:37 發表
u_24 u_23 u_24 u_23 好野~ 可以起內蒙玩較剪~~

希望喇... 機會都大既 :hs4
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 22:51

原帖由 Traveler 於 2010-7-28 21:07 發表

為什麼懷疑 4 & 5 是同一人呢?
4 係我嚟

因為覺得呢個姓既同好特別威水, 我成日當晒佢地係同一個人....
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 22:52

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 22:34 發表
剛剛俾左錢, 佢地答應明天就寄出, 有咩新消息再 update 大家!

未俾錢既唔該快手, 小弟查實真係勁窮, 千祈唔好拖我數 :g6

俾人拖數咪拎 d 貨出街做小販咯....
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:03

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 22:52 發表

俾人拖數咪拎 d 貨出街做小販咯....

唯有係咁喇... :pig6

作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 23:07

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 23:03 發表

唯有係咁喇... :pig6


上次都好快, 好似都係三日左右就到貨了.. 不過要睇下兩邊有冇撞正假日/週日.
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:07

原來呢排 D 英磅係咁升:

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:08

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 23:07 發表

上次都好快, 好似都係三日左右就到貨了.. 不過要睇下兩邊有冇撞正假日/週日.

佢話明天寄, 咁下星期應該都幾大機會咁喎 :g17
作者: fatpang    時間: 2010-7-28 23:08

:g15 :g15 :g15 :g17 :g17 :g17 :g17 :g17 :g17
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 23:17

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 23:08 發表

佢話明天寄, 咁下星期應該都幾大機會咁喎 :g17

你用乜 shipping method 寄呀? DHL?
作者: simonii    時間: 2010-7-28 23:19

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 23:07 發表
原來呢排 D 英磅係咁升:


呢排所有貨幣對港圓都升...:u_10 :u_10 :u_10
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:21

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 23:17 發表

你用乜 shipping method 寄呀? DHL?

佢無問我喎, 又無提過... 不過睇個價咁鬼貴都應該係快野 :g13
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:25

Order List:

1. Gem * 2 (paid)
2. Oldfield (paid)
3. Fat Pang
4. Mr. Kong with TW3100 wedge - paid
5. B 哥 (paid)
6. Dennis
7. simonii (paid)
8. AlexWong
9. anyone for the polarscope only

共八台, 位位 $4600 唔該, 有多或者唔夠既, 交收時 settle...

請儘快過數, 唔係我將你台 mount 賣街邊, 到時收夠 $5000, 不過都仲平過散買一台 :g15

Hang Seng Bank

Call me if you have any problem: 9282-8664
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:30

如果客官無 Hang Seng 或者 HSBC account, 可以寫張 cheque, 然後將我 account number 寫響後面, 再掉入 cheque collection box, 或者用入票機都得

總之呢一兩日入都唔會去賣街邊既, 天頭熱嘛 :g6
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-28 23:34

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 23:21 發表

佢無問我喎, 又無提過... 不過睇個價咁鬼貴都應該係快野 :g13

上次佢 quote shipping for 4-5 枝, 後來加到九支都冇加到 shipping cost.
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-28 23:40

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-28 23:34 發表

上次佢 quote shipping for 4-5 枝, 後來加到九支都冇加到 shipping cost.

我睇佢都係海鮮 shipping quote, 皆因我問過兩次都唔同
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-29 00:12

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-28 23:40 發表

我睇佢都係海鮮 shipping quote, 皆因我問過兩次都唔同

聽日記住問佢羅 online tracking no.
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-29 10:02

Yes, they told me that a tracking number would be given after the package is sent.
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-29 10:42

Order List:

1. Gem * 2 (paid)
2. Oldfield (paid)
3. Fat Pang
4. Mr. Kong with TW3100 wedge (paid excluding shipping)
5. B 哥 (paid)
6. Dennis
7. simonii (paid)
8. AlexWong
9. anyone for the polarscope only (paid excluding shipping)

共八台, 位位 $4527 唔該, 有多或者唔夠既, 交收時 settle...

請儘快過數, 唔係我將你台 mount 賣街邊, 到時收夠 $5000, 不過都仲平過散買一台

Hang Seng Bank

Call me if you have any problem: 9282-8664

[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-7-29 11:03 編輯 ]
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-29 11:02

Shipping cost break down:

We have 9 sets of mount, and one polar scope + a wedge.  The wedge weights about the same with the mount but it's smaller, so I've combined it with the polarscope to form another set.  Therefore, I propose to divide the shipping cost into 10 portions.

Each set of mount + scope should take 1/10 of the shipment.

Dr. Kong would take 1.8/10 and anyone would take 0.2/10.

Each portion should be around $97 HKD for the shipping, therefore, the shipping cost for each set of mount should be $97 HKD, and Dr. Kong's part should be $175, and anyone should be $20.

Sorry that I've rounded up for the cents... 當俾幾毛錢小第賺下

Item cost:

Each set of mount should be $4430 after calculation, so the total should be $4527.  

Final cost:

Therefore, when I pass the mount to you, I shall refund $73 to those who has transferred $4600 to me (死喇, 邊度搵咁多散紙呢, 不如你地每人 prepare $27 而我就俾一舊水你...)

And I shall refund $178 to Gem since I've received $9410

Dr. Kong please pay $175 when you pick up the mount

anyone please pay $20 when you pick up the polarscope

[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-7-29 11:03 編輯 ]
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-29 11:48

thanks Mr. oldfield a lot ! :u_15
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-29 12:53

Order List:

1. Gem * 2 (paid)
2. Oldfield (paid)
3. Fat Pang (paid)
4. Mr. Kong with TW3100 wedge (paid excluding shipping)
5. B 哥 (paid)
6. Dennis
7. simonii (paid)
8. AlexWong
9. anyone for the polarscope only (paid excluding shipping)
作者: passerby-b    時間: 2010-7-29 13:31

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-7-29 11:02 發表
Shipping cost break down:

We have 9 sets of mount, and one polar scope + a wedge.  The wedge weights about the same with the mount but it's smaller, so I've combined it with the polarscope to form an ...

Thank you very much
作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-7-29 13:48

u_24 u_24
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-29 13:51

Order List:

1. Gem * 2 (paid)
2. Oldfield (paid)
3. Fat Pang (paid)
4. Mr. Kong with TW3100 wedge (paid excluding shipping)
5. B 哥 (paid)
6. Dennis (paid exact amount, 唔使找錢)
7. simonii (paid)
8. AlexWong
9. anyone for the polarscope only (paid excluding shipping)
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-29 18:19

:pig9 辛苦喇~!!
作者: kai    時間: 2010-7-29 23:47

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 13:57

原來我計錯匯率!!! 估唔到差成 0.3... 食水咁深

計完之後先 update 各位, very sorry indeed...

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 14:18

正確價錢 (formula: wrong cost / 12.1 * 12.43)

Therefore, 貨到時:

Dr. Kong needs to pay $179 more
anyone needs to pay $48 more
Dennis needs to pay $123 more
Gem will have $110 refund
Other who paid $4600, need to add $50 more (4527/12.1*12.43=4650)

Sorry for the trouble, again, if you think it's no good, I can refund what you pay.
作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-30 15:24

用信用咭找數雖然好方便, 但銀行轉匯食水好深, 即使對美元埋數都要接近 8 算....上次團購係 bank to bank wire 加上當時英磅低所以較著數.

作者: apo    時間: 2010-7-30 15:27     標題: 回覆 76# 的帖子

如果全部 ask for refund 你點算???
作者: passerby-b    時間: 2010-7-30 15:39

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 15:46

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-30 15:24 發表
用信用咭找數雖然好方便, 但銀行轉匯食水好深, 即使對美元埋數都要接近 8 算....上次團購係 bank to bank wire 加上當時英磅低所以較著數.

不過計落點都平過自己獨立去買. ...

電匯都要收 charge, 不過大張單真係應該有著數, 但係要 office hour 去 bank 做就真係勁煩
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 15:47

原帖由 apo 於 2010-7-30 15:27 發表
如果全部 ask for refund 你點算???

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 15:47

原帖由 passerby-b 於 2010-7-30 15:39 發表

thank you sir
作者: mike_leung    時間: 2010-7-30 16:38

作者: simonii    時間: 2010-7-30 18:21

絕對無問題. 一手50, 一手較剪
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 21:49

All paid, the differences are to be settled when I hand the mount to you people.
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-30 21:58

Dear Mr. SO , 請問估計星期几收到 ? :icon_biggrin
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 23:08

唉... 我真係火都黎! 我同 Dr. Kong 咁快俾錢, 佢答應尋日出貨, 點知我今日問佢, 佢話星期一先俾 tracking number 我 :pig8 :pig8 :pig8

想人地俾錢就咩都答應, 收左錢就拖字訣... :hit1 :hit1 :hit1

正常 DHL 三日咩都到, 我估星期三至星期四會收倒... 搞到大家連箱都未開就要飛, 希望唔好去到內蒙先發覺唔識用又或者唔齊件喇... 我直頭想叫佢回水算數 :beyond_endurance :beyond_endurance
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-7-30 23:15

This is what I wrote to them a while ago:

Sad to hear that, you promised to have the package delivered on the
next day after my paypal payment, but now you said it will be sent on
Monday.  A group of local folks are heading to dark sky in Inner
Mongolia next week, since you had been in Hong Kong, you know getting
to dark sky is not as easy as any other places.  You see how fast
action that I has been doing, from gathering enough mounts to payment.

I can't imagine how much frustration they would get if they cannot get
the mount before the trip, and I guess you're also a stargazer, we
simply couldn't use a brand new stuff without trying it a few times at
home first.
作者: anyone    時間: 2010-7-31 10:56

Mr. SO , 算啦,不要勞氣,你已經為我們做左好多工作,辛苦你了,鬼老效率係差勁 D 架啦!
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-7-31 14:30

原帖由 anyone 於 2010-7-31 10:56 發表
Mr. SO , 算啦,不要勞氣,你已經為我們做左好多工作,辛苦你了,鬼老效率係差勁 D 架啦!

作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-8-1 17:06

無問題。到時 settle 個 o/s。
作者: kst    時間: 2010-8-1 21:25

名位趕著用較剪腳的同好注意,較剪腳跟來的電源線是 12V 汽車插頭(見圖),可能你地要準備定適合自己用的電線。

還有,要好好發揮較剪腳的實力,一定要對準極,但較剪腳的極軸鏡內的 reticle 多數和極軸鏡的optical axis 並未校準(我支就有1-2度偏差:icon_fire ),所以使用前請小心調教。
調教方法: ... otrack-polar-scope/
或上 astrotrac 的 yahoo group 尋找。

以下文字是從 astrotrac 的 yahoo group 抄過來給大家參考,yahoo group 還有好多 astrotrac 的討論,對名位用家好有用的。
PA Scope Reticle Alignment   (Message #2581 of 2879)

Hey to all,

Well, this subject hasn't been mentioned in some time, so perhaps it should be

The reason I do so is because I discovered from researching the cause of star
trailing that it was the PA scope's fault. The off-center reticle was the cause
of star trailing in some 2-min. images made after a 2-star PA of the AT.

It makes NO difference how good your polar alignment is IF the reticle "cross
hairs" are not in the optical axis of the PA scope.

The procedure for this has been cussed and discussed previously.

The process I employ is:

1. set up AT as if you were going to track.

2. Two things to do before you insert the PA scope:

a) make sure the reticle is focused by turning the EP in its

b) make sure the PA is focused by sighting on an distant
object. If it isn't clear, then loosen the single set screw
(1.5mm) on the objective's side of the silver ring, turn the
TUBE until the distant object is in focus, then reset the set

If one does "b)" the reticle will probably need realignment anyway.

3. Affix the PA scope holder in one position. USE THIS SAME POSITION FOR ALL

4. Insert the PA scope and move the illuminator to the 12 o'clock position.

5. Using the mount's controls, center the reticle's "X"

6. Note there are 3 set screws (1.5mm) on the EP side of the silver ring.
These are the screws used to center the reticle's "X" DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN ANY OF

7. Move the illuminator to 6 o'clock and note the offset of the "X" from the
object. Loosen the set screw(s) on the side to which the reticle needs to be
moved before firming down the other(s). Try to move the "X" about 1/2 way of
the distance it needs correcting.

8. Place the illuminator back at 12 o'clock and repeat the centering process,
then back to 6, then back to 12, etc., etc., until the reticle's "X" is centered
when the illuminator is at 12 and at 6.


Some folks stop here. I go tediously on to doing the same thing at the 3
o'clock and 9 o'clock positions until the distant object is centered in all 4
quadrants to the best of my ability to do so.

9. There is an alternative I do when using the 4-quadrant alignment. That is,
always center the "X" using the mount's controls when the illuminator is in the
12 o'clock position. Then adjust the other 3, reset 12, and repeat.

This process, to be done correctly, takes time, effort, and concentration. If
you feel yourself getting frustrated, stop, and resume after a break.

It took me an hour to realign the reticle in my PA scope!! It's as close to
perfect as I can align it in 3 quadrants and pretty darn close in the 4th. So,
it CAN be done, but it ain't easy.

However, if the reticle's "X" isn't centered, then the image will suffer the

Good luck and better skies,


[ 本帖最後由 kst 於 2010-8-1 21:28 編輯 ]

圖片附件: P1130023.JPG (2010-8-1 21:26, 70.48 KB) / 下載次數 268

作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-8-1 22:50

我聽日同後日可能上唔倒網, 希望星期三有好消息俾大家喇
作者: Gem    時間: 2010-8-1 23:13     標題: 回覆 92# 的帖子

:g8 :pig2 :pig2
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-8-3 18:18

It's shipped on Monday, and it left Germany this morning, should be here tomorrow as they said.  

I shall update if they really arrive tomorrow, if so, you people can pick up your mount tomorrow night.

[ 本帖最後由 oldfield 於 2010-8-3 18:22 編輯 ]
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-8-4 08:31

Arrived at Delivery Facility in Hong Kong - Hong Kong

3:49am this morning, so are you ready to pick up tonight?
作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-8-4 09:19

u_23 u_23
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-8-4 09:46

旺角消防局附近 (太子站 步行約 5-8 分鐘), 今日工人放假, 老婆夜晚要出外, 或者要勞煩各位黎到我屋企附近
作者: oldfield    時間: 2010-8-4 09:48

With delivery courier (9:01am)
作者: Dennis    時間: 2010-8-4 09:56

原帖由 oldfield 於 2010-8-4 09:46 發表
旺角消防局附近 (太子站 步行約 5-8 分鐘), 今日工人放假, 老婆夜晚要出外, 或者要勞煩各位黎到我屋企附近

無問題,落實時間地點後請通知聲,我 6:30 打後 OK。
Thanks so much!! Oldfield.

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